We have all colors in satin Linens
Text me any question: GA 678-789-8171Â
Text me any question: GA 678-789-8171Â
Gold sequines $20
rose gold sequines $20
Champagne sequines $20
Black sequines $20
silver Large Payette Sequin
text me what size your want 6787898171
text me what size your want 6787898171
Rental $20
Round 120" Big rosette - pink / rental $20 1left
Round 120" Big rosette - Ivory  / rental $20 1left
Round 120" Big rosette - silver  / rental $20 1left
Round 120" Big rosette -rose Gold.rental $20 1left
ribbon round 120"Black white taffeta
rental $20 2left
Ribbon round 120" white taffeta
rental $20
Ribbon round 120" Black taffeta
rental $20 9lft
Ribbon round 120" Ivory taffeta
rental $20
ribbon round 120"Black white taffeta
rental $20 1left
ribbon round 120"Black Gold taffeta
rental $20 1left
Bustle table skirt 23" Ivory taffeta
rental $40 / top not including just another cloth gatheringÂ
Bustle table skirt 23" White taffeta
rental $40 / top not including just another cloth gatheringÂ
rosette tablecloth round 120"b pink satin
rental $20 about 4left
rosette tablecloth round 120"silver satin
rental $20 1left
rosette tablecloth round 120"silver satin
rental $20
need another size text6787898171
rosette tablecloth round 120" white satin
rental $20
need another size text6787898171
Damask availble 9 round 120" /runner 25 / overlay 5
Polyester Linens Available SizeÂ
Polyester Tablecloth Available:132" round-120"round -108" round-90"x90"overlay-90"x156"long-90"x132"long-60"x120"long-Color Available: white .Ivory , Black , Brown,
 Polyester Napkin :18"x18"napkin-Color Available: white .Ivory , Black , Brown,red ,apple red, Burgundy
 Polyester banquet ,folding chair cover Color Available: white .Ivory , Black , Brown,
Polyester 18' skirt Available: white .Ivory , Black , Brown ,red , dark red
(Napkin$1)-(sash $1)-(runner $4)-(Overlay 84"x84"$7)-(90"$7)-(108" $8)-(120" $15)-(132"$18)-(60"x120"$8)-(90x132" $15)-(90"x156" $18)
Folding Chair cover
Spandex Chair cover can fit banquet and folding chairs
Spandex Chair cover Rental $1.50
Sale $3
Color : white
Spandex Chair cover Rental $1.50
Sale $3
Color : Black
Spandex Chair cover Rental $1.50
Sale $3
Color :Ivory
Spandex Chair cover Rental $1.50
Sale $3
Color : Silver
Spandex Chair cover Rental $1.50
Sale $3
Color : Champagne
Spandex Chair cover Rental $1.50
Sale $3
Color : Gold
Glitz Ruffle Sequin Spandex Chair Band Sash - Gold rental $1
Glitz Ruffle Sequin Spandex Chair Band Sash - red rental $1
Width: 9" Sash Length: 14"(Approx.)rental $1 sale $3
Satin runner many colors $4
Brown Taffeta runner $4
Brown Burlap runner $6
Silver sequins runner $4
Rose gold sequines runner $4
Gold sequines runner $4
Champagne sequins runner $4
Red sequines runner $4
Runner $4-size :12" x 108"
Tablecloth-$15 size 58"x80"
Satin Linens Item Available Size :Â
132" round-120"round-84"x 84""overlay-90"x 156"long-90"x 132"long-20"x 120"Runner-18"x 18"napkin-7"x 90" satin sash-skirt 18' All Color satin Available (please check color chat below)
Satin Folding chair cover-available color brown, Ivory
Satin Banquet Chair cover-Available white .Ivory , Black , Brown,red, apple red, burgundy,
Color Available: we Have Over 80 colors in stock .Please scroll down below check colors or text me 678-789-8171
Overlay 84"x84" $7
Runner $4
Runner $4
90"x132" $15 90"x156"$18
Our Color Chart - Satin